Trials and errors

It’s Friday! Today was the day for my silver delivery to arrive, but given the speed of post in the past few months, I didn’t really want to get my hopes too high, so I just continued where I left off yesterday, hammering the piece of silver playing with different forms, shapes and finishes. It may seem to be a minor issue, but I genuinely believe that what makes a good piece of jewellery is not the design itself, or the bigger picture, but the tiny details we pick up on subconsciously without much direct thought. I love textures and shapes and soft finishes and the features that say “not factory made”. They are much easier to discover when looking at someone else’s work, but getting it “just right” in the making process is a whole different story.

My hammered piece ended up as a single earring, though I’m not finished with it just yet. It’s an experimental piece, which means that I tried several different ways to hang the earring, how to polish it or not and if it should be soldered closed or left open. It is a thought process in action. I will leave the picture here and since it is quite likely that the object will further change, I can post an update in a few days. Maybe it will be a completely different piece of jewellery!

The order of silver arrived just an hour ago and I’m going to make a cup of tea and look through it. I really can’t wait to get the real work going on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend!


Resting days

