Resting days

Yesterday was my resting day. I did not plan it like that, but a mixture of late night on Friday and an early morning on Saturday to let a boiler inspection in, had seen me turn back to bed as soon as the heating company left the house and indulge in books and streaming services. I don’t know if this has ever been researched in psychology, but I’m a firm believer in solitude and regular days (weeks/months) off, where we can quietly process our turbulent lives. When we are done with processing, we can then move on. It is absolutely crucial for maintaining good mental health. I’d even go this far and claim that it’s only those issues we didn’t have time to process and deal with, that drag with us and cause mental health issues later in life. So I caught up with the happening of the last week, and today I’m tackling tasks that can’t wait till tomorrow. Like taking down the Christmas tree, or writing a final version of an assignment for a Social media marketing course that has a deadline next week (not sure why I got myself into this) and one joyful secret jewellery project.

I have also finally opened the package with silver for the new collection. The package itself was a very small, unassuming letter, I would never think there was so much value hidden in it. It is a start and something that makes me look forward to Monday.

Do you take regular resting days? Do you need time on your own to catch up with your soul in the overwhelmingly busy world? Or are you just that type of person who can go on forever and never stops?

An unplanned selfie as a side effect of photographing shiny objects. Like this sheet of fine silver.


Roller coaster


Trials and errors