The Blank Page
Some ideas come and go and sometimes they turn into plans and plans into reality. But occasionally, an idea hits and jumps all the way to the edge of insanity and makes your whole body rise in excitement and joy. The first type of idea is the one when every move on the new blank page is potentially dangerous, too committing, and too real. On the other hand, when an idea triggers the nerve of danger even before you find a piece of paper, it seems like there are never enough blank pages to capture it in its wholeness, explore its viability, the bask in the fun!
In the “real” overcommitted everyday lives, there is no room for the latter, though give it a Christmas holiday and everything can change. What if I ditch the plan of “slowly populating my online shop with jewellery” and turn it upside down and decide to make a small collection within a month? What if I make it a public project and instead of locking myself in a tiny room with my bench and hours-long podcasts, I share with you what my thoughts are, where my plans go, and how the work is progressing? Switch solitude for transparency?
The adrenalin rush of possibilities and a new experience drags me from my chair to search for blank papers and I draw and write and plan until I can’t draw, plan and write anymore. The decision is made. I will release a jewellery collection on 1st February on the celebration of Imbolc and I will share with you the entire process along the way.
I clear my calendar and I plan for failures, I hold my breath and I hope for the best. I would be happy to see you, my friends, along the way.