Offline workshops in Bangor
Last week was incredibly busy not only because it was my son’s birthday and the last week before Easter break, but also because I managed to pack two very busy workshops in two days. And it was great. Or at least I loved it and hope that people who came loved it too.
Thursday mornings in Boom Studios are dedicated to a brilliant idea of Open Art sessions where every week a different artist/maker runs a two-hour workshop and anyone from the local community can just drop in and get stuck into some creative project while having plenty of opportunity to chat with others, drink coffee and eat together. I didn’t know what to expect when it comes to both the number of people and their skill levels and that was a bit nerve-racking, but everything turned out well and everyone made something that they could be proud of. The next time I’m having a session in the Open Art is 11th May and I’m genuinely looking forward to the buzz of a busy workshop and the happy dopamine kick from each successfully soldered piece of jewellery.
If you are around Bangor, come and play with us.
The other workshop wasn’t really a workshop but a yearly event called Arts Night at the Museum. It’s a lovely thing that Bangor does every year when they open the local museum to the public in the evening and invite local artists and makers to do demonstrations and little activities for children and adults. Unfortunately, I do not have any of my own pictures from the event as it was so busy at least at my table, that I had barely time to breathe. What I did this year (and two years before) was letting people letter stamp metal blanks that they can use as pendants, dog tags, key chains or bracelets. It is good fun and everyone loves a piece of personalised piece of jewellery. What I love the most is watching the joy kids (and some adults too) get from smashing a hammer on a metal stamp. There is something incredibly satisfying about it and quite honestly how often do we have the opportunity to let the creativity go in a little bit more energetic way that requires good coordination and strength?
I’m usually quite comfortable in my own company sitting at the bench or typing a blog on my laptop as I do now, but events like this just remind me how much fun it is to share the joy of metalsmithing with others and how valuable it is for both parts to exchange ideas, skills and just have fun while making something together.
If you would like to make yourself a piece of jewellery, my next workshop is on 6th May in Boom Studios and you can book your place here. Or on the 11th May come to the Open Art session.
I hope to see you soon